Lovely Runner (2024) Episode 7
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Lovely Runner (2024) Episode 7 full episodes
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finally they met!!! can’t wait for tommorow^^
The end and preview are everything!!!! Can’t wait for tomorrow’s episode
This drama is so healing and comforting
Im so anxious. What if bad boy first crush ended up paralyzed in a wheelchair. Maybe because of what happened 14 yrs ago. I dunnow. I keep always wanting him to be safe. Because all we heard were rumors and the rumors was already sad. Hope he wont be a bad guy or have a sad life for her. Because the only changes that she was able to make was thru him. Well technically, not the accident 15 yrs ago. Ok stop with the conspiracy theories let’s all just fall in love hahahaha.
Anybody feel kinda sad about original female lead. Like she’s lost now. Hahah nvm, that’s just me being sentimental over different timelines plot.
I’m gonna die !! Can’t wait for tomorrow
finally everything is coming into its place, oh god please make it have a happy ending
His face at the end..☺️☺️☺️ how am i going wait till tomorrow.. he was sooo good..
Dropping this kdrama…………………………………until it finishes CAUSE WAITING EVERYDAY IS A TORTURE (I’ll be back tomorrow cause I am impatient af)
I mean if the fate changed and Sun Jae prevented the serial killer from killing her then that means he still holds a grudge against him and that’s why he’s now attempting to kill Sun Jae instead. Ugh Sun Jae is still a lovestruck loser who still isn’t over his first crush and it’s soooo cute to watch aaaaaah. I can’t believe I have to wait another whole day for this
Yas babes !! Snaps snaps for you.
So no one is talking about the stalker who got away and what about the man who tried to kill her.
Oh my goodness?! This episode was insanely good. Cannot wait for tomorrow episode after that last scene.
Like the saying goes…
“Good things come for those who wait”
*stares at the ceiling
Wtf did I just watch.
I have so many questions oh my god..
So we are back and she is safe he remembers her. The watch is gone obviously how did i not realise it would be gone. So it seems like there is something that happened in the past that we don’t know yet like the attempting killing wasn’t over yet we have something else. So was she in the wheelchair for sometime?? Cause the convo with family says so. And him being in jail?? Yupp there is something else that happened.
Really curious about what happened. IT IS PISSING ME SO BAD U GUYSSSS.
Ig the theory about the serial killer killing sun jae was true too. It seems like he is back for revenge.
Tomorrow pls come early plss… anyone has any theory??? My mind is a messs
I liked their high school days. The drama’s vibe will totally be different now but we’ll grow accustomed to it. Them being neighbor made it a special influence to the drama.
He didn’tlose his memories ! But I’m curious, what happened to Tae-sung?
Tomorrow is my exam. And I just finished this episode as I can’t wait .
Now I can study in peace but wait how can I study in peace. Otteokeeeeeeee
Bro when will tomorrow come. I already want another episodeeeee pleasee this drama has grasped my heart n won’t let gooo 😭😭😭😭
I think the one who bumped into Im Sol (both when she was in the wheelchair and current timeline) was the taxi driver. Notice how that person was just standing in the background??? (57:16)
I have a hunch that it’s him OR he could be Kim Tae Sung?? 🤔
sunjae born to be a loser sunjae forced to be a star
HAHAHA the parallels with this episode and ep1 😭
Im Sol really paraphrased what she said during their first meeting at the bridge when she was hugging Sun Jae that time 😆😆
ok this has me worried, I hope its nothing, which I know is not possible…..
cz m still confused, how did Sun jae’s fate change, he didn’t look that depressed and stressed he used to look before the time slip….
THANK GOD they finally met, and what could be the better ending than this 🤣🤣🤣
m so so sooooooooooo excited for tomorrow’s episode, I hope just gud things come their way now…..
Smiling before i go to sleep.
she couldn’t change her grandma’s fate of getting dementia, and her own fate of attending his concert outside of the stadium….
im so excited for tmrw also i think this is my favorite preview so far
from this….
to this…. ☺️☺️☺️
ohhh how much I loved this transition 😍😍❤️❤️❤️❤️😭😭😭🙆♀️🙆♀️🙆♀️🙆♀️
Watching the “before”: why didn’t you take his keys??? Watching the “after”: good girl!
I have a crazy theory. What if the guy that knocked over Sol’s phone at the concert was actually Tae Seong? They didn’t mention him at all and it’s kinda worrying me a bit.
He’s rocking the new hairstyle. This episode was such a relief and I’m glad they didn’t drag out their their meeting too long. Looks like their romance is really gonna start from thr next episode onwards. Can’t wait for it. ❤️❤️❤️
So my theory was right 🤩🤩🤩
Can’t wait for ep 8.
Will watch ep 7 together with ep8(when it releases)💜💜
My Sunjae and Sol should get a happy ending😫❣️💜
But am worried today they gave us a fluffy, cute, funny epi but what about tomorrow 😖😵will they give me stress again tomorrow 😫
FINALLY FINALLY!!!!!@@!!!!!!!!! FINALLYYHYUYYYYYYYY AFTER THE MISUNDERSTANDING THINGS CAN RIGHT AGAIN FINALLYYYYYYYY OMG THIS MAN IS STILL THE BIGGEST BIGGEST BIGGEST SIMP AFTER 15 YEARS like they say nothing is like first love. WAHHHHHH I AM FINALLY SO HAPPY i hate the serial killer comeback connotations omg all those moments are coing back
I remember in earlier episode Sol said Sunjae is really good at giving fans service. Now he’s all trained and ready to mingle….. THIS LOOK? I DEMAND MORE THAN A KISS SCENE IN NEXT EPISODE PLEASE GOD OF KDRAMA HEAR ME OUT
Please welcome Ryu Sun Jae in his loser lover era. So how many times will he gonna fall for Im Sol? Hahahaha
He’s so fine!! 34-year old Sun Jae slaying
i knew it she will go back in time again because the wrong person was probably arrested and the murder is still out there after sol…
This scene is so funny
This is my theory. Sun Jae didnt commit suicide. He was killed by that kidnapper. Sun Jae is supposed to be dead 14 yrs after the kidnapping. But when Im sol when to past and changed it, the accident happened a yr later when the tine travelling Im sol was in the present.That is why when her mom said its been 14 yrs since the accident she says its supposed to be 15 yrs.
And also the guy she bumps into in the concert is probably the kidnapper looking for Sun jae.
Fire ahh drama
omg another flash back that means another event took place that she has forgot..
I love how they used yellow flowers… Yellow which has always been Sol’s color.💛🩵
I want everyone who said or even thought for a moment that there was a woman in Sun Jae’s bathtub TO APOLOGIZE TO MY BABY RIGHT NOW…
It feel like i have waited decades for a new episode 😭😭😭
waiting for Tuesdays and Mondays has been the worst thing in this month that has happened to me as an impatient fellow 🙄
She is at it again.. .
Does anyone now what these flowers could symbolise? I know that the big yellow ones are called Craspedia, it symbolises good health, yellow roses mean friendship but I dont know the rest.
the beginning of this drama scared me more than parasyte: the grey 😂😂
[i am not insulting PTG, i loved that kdrama]
the murderous/kidnapping plot of this is probably the weakest but i inhale this drama, so i dont care
guys, my theory is correct that sun-jae died cause of a stalker fan! [a new theory of mine is that the “fan” is actually ceo’s daughter 🤷🏻♀️ [crazy theory i know but possible]
my another new theory is that, the police caught the wrong suspect and the suspect is roaming around trying to kill im-sol. and sadly he seems like he’s just a serial killer. [ i thought im-sol and he might have other connections 😒]
guys prepare tissue’s, i think tae-sung is dead, like first i thought, nah, its not possible, but now that i dont see tae-sung at all in the future, its kinda worrying 😫
Why the episode is so shortttt ahhhhhh I want more of them 😭😭😭😭😭
The week wait has been long…
does it ever drive you crazy
just how fast the night changes?
long time no see, yes. its been a while
right. but why are you standing here? is your car broken? no, i waited for you.
how did you know i’ll be here? i thought you’d come
what if i didn’t see you? you’re still the same
no don’t leave! you can’t go.. what?
what i’m trying to say isㅡlet’s stay together for today! let’s stay together tonight! you and me!
girlllllllll damnnn and the classic yellow umbrella, the parallel, the colour coding, extending their umbrellas to each other is their love language; it’s like saying “i’m here for you and i’ve got your back just like you’ve got mine”
i’m so happy with this scene and this episode. they met up at the bridge in present time in new year’s eve as they promised, she was able to avoid the incident, she came back to the present with healthy legs, had little romcom scene with sunjae and the way episode ended
p.s- that i wanted to tell you this in case i get to meet you again. i liked you too
so what you’re saying is.. we had the same feelings back then. so how about now?
wishing good luck to sol, cuz adult sunjae is adulting and i don’t think sunjae’s gonna hold it back anymore, excited for tomorrow also the preview this was the night sunjae died in the first timeline so sol asked him to be with her for the night so she can make sure he’ll avoid his death
p.s.s- why i think taesung is the one who bumped sol on the concert and now he’s keeping an eye on sol and secretly following her
this is torture! this is inhuman! i have never dreaded the fact that tomorrow comes after 24 hours like today!! [idk if i was able to express my pain] why is this small yet big 24 hour gap feels torturous-ly long? why can’t this gap just snap away with my own snap? why must i wait dearly as if the next episode is my long lost husband?? why?
To anyone who’s waiting for drama cool to upload ep 7, may I suggest a site? It is already up on “kiss kh . co” They upload real time-ish as the airing time of this so yeah enjoy watching
My feelings are so overflowing too much!! This is the kind of story I really want. There’s too much missed opportunities of their supposed love and I kinda like it. I love the chase, I love the pain and most especially I love feeling giddy by watching these two. PLEASE I WANT A HAPPY ENDING FOR THEM. I LOVE THEM IN THEIR TEEN ROMANCE IN HIGHSCHOOL BUT THEM IN PRESENT TIME IS SO GOOD!! I really love their chemistry 💖 to more embarrassing moments please. Cheers to our super OA and fake nonchalant couple
The watch is missing right? She mentioned that she only had 3 times to go back. Does it mean that we’re on the present now here on forward?? Please let no more time skips to happen.
Why was this scene beautiful❣️
Sun-Jae was the epitome of pettiness here!!🤣🤣
Now that we have solved the mystery of “car accident”, I wonder what happened again for her to cut ties with Sun Jae!!
The writers really had us with last week’s preview… Cuz this episode was HILARIOUS through and through. Sunjae was too cute being petty and taking pictures of his underwear as proof 😂😂
Im Sol does it again. Girl sure knows how to make a situation awkward 😂😂
First I just wanna say the present SolJae are looking soooo damn fine!! And i’m so happy to see both doing well in their careers. Sol who has changed the future but is no longer near SJ and she misses him. Their meeting again couldn’t be anymore perfect, the same way they met the first time, Sol as always protecting SJ with her yellow umbrella. I literally had tears in my eyes.
Also, everyone who was saying there was a woman in the bathtub LOL now we know it was our guy, In Hyuk.
I have a strong feeling that the psychopath is not in jail, he is the one who tried to kill SJ, he is also the one who bumped into Sol on the day of the concert due to which she dropped her phone. And therefore, even now SJ’s life is in danger.
Sunjaedid not lose his memories yayyyyyyyyy
Camping 4 days early….