Wonderful World (2024) Episode 11

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9 Comments to “Wonderful World (2024) Episode 11

  1. All the moms are same. “Why did you buy something expensive?” 😢 😭 😿 😢 😭

  2. looks like Soohyun would know that Suho knew about Kim joon all this time and she probably would also find out about the video or photo that Kim joon showed to Suho, it probably has the evidence of who left the door open and Gunwoo went out…..

  3. I just laughed at this 🤣🤣🤣, is he for real???

    so the one exposing u is wrong, but not u for sleeping with your wife’s sister 👏👏👏👏. your relationship got destroyed because of him, not because of u 🫡🫡🫡

  4. guys. I think he’s more pissed with the fact all of his things are not in place than the fact that someone breaking in to his house 😂😭

  5. the whole episode made me cry, the teardrops ain’t stopping lol, eunwoo micro expressions, the single tear, the pain and lostness in his eyes, eunwoo you’re such a great actor. such an outstanding acting. bro suferred too much now i need him to get happiness.

    seonyul listened to the audio recording from that day when soohyun and seonyul’s dad meet and she hit him and now he knows how callous his father was towards her begging to apologize and all the bad things his dad told soohyun, the damage he caused, he finally understood that soohyun was really the victim in this situation
    it’s sad to see how he had all that hate festering and blaming himself after finding out he’s wrong

  6. Everything was connected to Kim joon. Guess what did Seon-yul mom said before dying.
    Everyone are having their character development.
    1. Seon-yul realised what kind of monster his father was.
    2. Soo-hyun is using her brain and taking action.
    3. Yuri feels bad for what she did. A regret but what’s done is done.
    4. Suho’s mom accepting that she too adores Soo-hyun and answering that she would advice to get divorce.
    5. Soo-hyun ‘s mom finding the identity of sender and her lifesaver. But at the end telling Soo-hyun to not to hate him much.
    6. Su-jin got to know that doc let her use him. Now, her guilty feeling kicks in. I hope she did fall in love with him.
    The only guy who is still not accepting his mistake and finding faults with others and blaming other for his deeds is Suho. He is not a red flag but I feel he is complete red ocean. He is still blaming Seon-yul. He wouldn’t have clicked your photo if you didn’t sleep with Yuri. Soo-hyun should say thank you to Seon-yul for letting her realise what kind of jerk her husband was.
    Kim- joon downfall arc will start now.

  7. What do you mean???? You single handedly destroyed your marriage by sleeping with your wife’s sister, all he did was expose your little secret 😂😂

  8. i’m ready to see the soft era of seonyul and soohyun also them taking revenge on kim joon

  9. Things really turned the way we wanted. Now Seonyul and Soohyun will join forces and go for the evil Joon. Was waiting for this to happen. But the preview showing crying Soohyun. What will happen next? So excited for the next episode

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