The Rebound (2024) Episode 6

Category: The Rebound (2024)

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10 Comments to “The Rebound (2024) Episode 6

  1. I love how nobody commented on the preview for the next episode. Zen looks like he’s a bunny trapped between 2 wolves. Or a wolf and a fox !

  2. Q u little bish! Let me see u outside bro.. my these hands are to ready to introduce themselves to u.

    Atom why did u hide the fact u with the other team?? 🧐 sus my dude sus.. I do have to admit Frank looks hot here.. in his most recent dramas.. listen 💀 them horrible wings did him NO JUSTICE 🤣

    Ryu wtf is ur deal!.. u was doing good ! now u a mess of jealousy and mixed feelings out here running hot nd cold!.. now ur gonna experience real jealousy bwahahaha… not saying u deserved that beat down u got from the other team but u got smart with a sore loser 😗☕️ maybe them hits will have u acting right from now on..

  3. that ball game was atrocious…i think ryu is the only one who has a mediocre knowledge of bball. and what kind of game finished with a score of 24-22? esp when they were dropping 80 bombs before but oh well. I TOLD MYSELF TO IGNORE ALL THE INCONSISTENCIES WITH THE SPORT BUT IT JUST IRKS ME TOO MUCH UGH

  4. This was sad, I felt so sorry for Zen

    I had no problem with Atom, but he’s getting on my nerves, Why are you here?!

    Well Yes! Prince definitely wants a piece of you 😏😂

  5. Aww…back in their middle school days. The time of their innocence.

    So close. So so so close…

    For whatever the reason that Ryu pulled back, it pains Zen yet again.

    I’m happy for their first and second victories. Yay! team work.

    Those sore losers. Why target Ryu? He has nothing to do with #4 injury on the court. They should beat their #9 teammate.

    😆 Grandma is just too funny. She could scare both Atom and Zen with her joke of sneaking laxative into Atom’s drink and food.

    Whew! Anyone suspect that Atom threw that last shot missing the basket on purpose? I have a feeling that Atom did not care about winning since it was his dad who wanted him to play for a team that he just moved there to join. The coach for that team seemed to bet all on Atom a new player on his team.

  6. Q 🤬
    worked my last nerve to the limit and
    seriously got me putting in an order for a truck of doom!

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