Hidamari ga Kikoeru (2024) Episode 11
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Hidamari ga Kikoeru (2024) Episode 11 full episodes
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I’m so sad right now! The sudden distance between Kouhei/Taichi at the beginning was a little heartbreaking and almost unbearable for me to watch, because I’m so used to Taichi being adorable around a smiling, happy Kouhei, whose face lights up every time they are alone together. The confident smile look on Kouhei’s face acknowledging Taichi’s decision to drop out before he hugged him tightly on the steps was saddening to watch. But it was later during their silent goodbye, I realized, there’d be just one hurt that would be too much for me.., if Kouhei/Taichi should walk away and go their separate ways. And, OUCH! I feel abandoned, because in my mind this isn’t how their love is supposed to be.., my heart is hollow and hurting so much right now. I need an 1800 shot, lol.. Poor Maya. In my honest opinion, you can work as hard as you want or wallow in self-pity to maintain or rather achieve the almost impossible sense of normalcy after becoming physically impaired, developed a debilitating decease, or getting diagnosed with a serious/life-threatening chronic illnesses Fact is, deep inside, no matter how well you mask it, you know/understand your sentiments, however commendable, is an uphill battle. The idea of being normal like everyone else, given your compromised state of health, is fleeting, at best. It’s best to go on being your authentic self, find a friend or friends like Taichi and maybe keep the Serenity Prayer in mind too. You know, as a reminder that we must live on, but that’s just my two cents. Please give me a happily ever after ending for Kouhei/Taichi! Happy Thursday!
Damn, that preview for next week killed me.
I understand Maya’s feelings. I get it, but you can have it hard, you can have the whole world not understand you. But that is not an excuse to be an absolute jerk to everyone. SO I am gonna break it down as someone who is pretty much exactly like Maya and Kouhei hearing wise, with barely any left and the world a really confusing place. I get what the show was portraying, and they did it beautifully. I just really think Maya can’t be redeemed.
What she did was ugly and wrong. She can’t be just all buddy buddy with them at the end. Not both of them. Maybe Kouhei, but not both.
Here is why.
I kinda had the feeling they were trying to lead us on with her “liking Kouhei” this whole time, and that she actually was gonna end up liking Taichi (because they did the slow mo turn around thing with Taichi when they first met) and after seeing this episode it confirmed my suspicions. She transferred to Kouhei’s school to meet Taichi (because after hearing Kouhei talk about him, she didn’t believe a person like him could exist, so she wanted to catch him in a lie.) She couldn’t believe there was human decency left in anyone. However, the more time she spent near both of them, the more she realized Kouhei hadn’t been lying, and it made her upset, because she would have to face all the ugly feelings she had been hiding behind while losing a piece of herself. So it made her more and more jealous and irrational. Not because she is in love, she wasn’t in love with Kouhei. She doesn’t even love Taichi right now. I think her feelings of anger and annoyance has caused her to latch on and notice his kindness and hate it. And where there is hate, there is inevitably feelings involved. This is why Kouhei, at the end, said that Taichi is daft and unable to see when things are close to his nose. Because he hadn’t upset Maya by being thoughtless, but rather caring for her is what had hurt her most. And Kouhei is able to see this and understand what is happening. Because before he met Taichi, he felt the same way. So this is why he tells Taichi that it was only him that could get through to Maya and maybe she wasn’t crying because he was being mean, but because he wasn’t.
It was this really important moment. Kouhei is trying to tell our daft boy Taichi that the girl likes the way you impact her world. She might not like you, but she likes and hates you for changing the way she has to view everything, and she hates you because you showed her that what she hates wasn’t everyone else, it wasn’t Taichi, but it was herself instead. It shows her character growth from start to finish but also shows how she might come between them later in life, growing to have real feelings as she evaluates her outlook and starts making real connections instead of fake ones.
While there is that beautiful truth to things and I understand Maya completely. And I get why she claimed Kouhei as you are mine, you are like me, so only you can understand. (Then Taichi came around and busted through the entire world she had built and showed her how fake it really was. And in the end, how alone she actually was.) I have a feeling they are gonna use her one more time to get between the boys, either int he future liking Taichi fully, because he opened up her world too. Or clinging to Kouhei because Taichi leaves and he is the only one who will be left.
I dislike Maya because they used her to show how isolating it is, and outside of her hearing disability and shitty attitude, they gave us nothing else about her. She was used as a walking plot device to come in between things and simply show hearing loss is hard, which in my opinion they were doing just fine with before Maya was introduced. If they had given us her home background, and more about her world and how it interacted with the boys, she could have been better than what she became. As it stands, I get her storyline. But I just don’t think it was worth it to have her in the show at all.
Her biggest offence really was stealing precious screen time that the boys deserved to have instead. There has been so much Maya stuff in the last four episodes(and we still know barely anything other than apparently her highschool was sucky) that Taichi and Kouhei have had all of like 6minutes screen time between the four episodes.
And that is a crime punishable by, a lets never meet again.
Sighs………………………………………WISH I KNEW WHAT Maya’s P.O.V. WAS ……………………………….NOW onto a HAPPIER drama…………
So like nobody asks Taichi where he’s going to work?
dam…I read the manga but still got caught up in the feelings by these two now im crying again
September 5, 2024 (7:08 AM)
☑️ Hidamari ga Kikoeru, Episode 11
I’m not crying..just some onin got into my eyes😭😭🥲.
And the ending song isn’t helping 😭😭😭😭 asgh last ep next week..I hope for a mutual hug and kiss.🥺🫂😘
Well this series is shaping up to be a bromance instead of a BL. I was hoping they would b together by now but Taichi still doesn’t seem secure in his feelings quite yet.
✋🏼we need to normalize using socials to keep in touch after they part ways bc wym “we haven’t seen each other since then😩.”
So there will be a time jump between their goodbyes and reunion. I would like to see Kouhei’s reaction when he finds out Taichi’s career choice stemmed from their friendship in college. Also, I want to see Kouhei detecting Taichi’s heart races 💓 again when they reunite. 😆
Is it a SE? Only viewers understand their love while they’re still in a discovery phase with lots of communication barriers.. 💔
WDYM WITH THAT PREVIEWWW they never believe in cell phones or social media do they??? cause how they always lose touch.
“Take care” nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
It´s such a relief to know they will face each other again
I loved the moment when Taichi said: “You don’t seem to feel sorry,” and Kohei replied, “Right, I don’t.” It was so cute also heartwarming to see Kohei decide to be more assertive.
Both of them embody different forms of selflessness—Kouhei letting Taichi chase his dreams without realizing that Taichi’s ultimate dream is him. Their conversation on the stairs, the way their eyes meet… it’s overflowing with unspoken love. My heart aches for Taichi, hiding his decision out of fear that Kouhei might try to hold him back. And Kouhei, tears streaming as he makes hamburger steaks, knowing deep down that this will be their last meal together—every moment of that scene was gut-wrenchingly heartbreaking. Has anyone ever cried while cutting onions for real? Because I have, and it’s surprisingly cathartic. I didn’t know it was a separate kind of experience and emotion, but the shower cry hurts less, that’s for sure. teehee.
I’m glad Taichi confronted Maya and made her realize that she’s not hiding anything from anyone and possibly making things worse for herself! Initially, I thought she was faking the whole thing, but this episode made me question my own judgment. I felt like such a judgmental POS, straying from my usual ‘give them the benefit of the doubt’ attitude.
I can’t wait for their reunion and that big declaration of love! I just hope the last episode is longer—there’s no way it can wrap everything up in a hurry!
sobbing.. I love them so much
also I hope people can stop misunderstanding Maya now.. I’ve seen so many hate comments about her 🥲
this moment literally so heartouching and painful😭 the way kohei hugged taichi and how taichi burst into tears. the cinematography and vulnerabiltiy of the scene was beautiful, like just look at that sunset in the background
that was the moment they said goodbye. it was basically taichi’s last day of taking notes and kohei’s last day of making taichi a meal, this is so bittersweet😭
“if only i had understood the meaning of those signs back then”
i’ve got no tears left to cry anymore i’m devastated before the two of them went to their separate ways the way kohei told taichi that he likes him in sign language because he’s sure that this way taichi won’t know because kohei has basically come to terms with the fact that taichi doesn’t feel the same for him and so kohei’s like “that’s the last thing i can do. you owe me this one, taichi. that’s the only way i can tell you.” this is devastating🥺
p.s- everytime maya being a b!tch, kohei always takes about kohei
the way he said “he’s straightforward and doesn’t like to beat around the bush. he is always reckless. that’s man name is taichi.”
the smile as he talks about him, man he is so in love with him
p.s.s- next week is the last ep, idek how will i survive without kohei and taichi, i’m already missing them..
On light hearted note, even though Kouhei and Maya are not able to hear properly , but it is Taichi who asks people to repeat , by loudly saying “Aahh?? , what??” ….such a cutie
Even i was cutting onions this whole episode.., the love between them is so purely depicted.
I soo much wanted Taichi to hug Kouhei back.
Now, everyone’s first thought about Taichi dropping out of college is because he got in some trouble..even Kouhei asked him the same question in the previous episode.
Taichi you have already won my heart , how much more you want to win…the way you understood Maya.
[17:26] This hug was so precious ! ♡‿♡
Taichi’s heart was beating too fast ! ^_^
And despite this obvious and deafening signal coming from his heart, Taichi still does not want to confess his feelings to Kohei… ^_^’
But the distance intensifies the feelings…
I can’t wait to see their reunion after this separation period… ^_^
Kouhei and Taichi really are the best boys. Today’s episode made my heart really sad and emotional but, I was also really happy to see the fondness that each one has for the other through the flashbacks of their shared moments together. I also really enjoyed seeing Taichi’s two friends reactions to hearing that Taichi was going to drop out of University basically being the same way that Kouhei reacted by thinking Taichi was dropping out due to nefarious reasons 😂 Also, lets not forget that both friends were also super supportive and acceptive, while also being concerned for Taichi’s decision for his future.
the intense staring in the middle of class they are so in love it hurts to watch
the hand on the nape of taichi’s neck, the way kohei held him in his arms the sunset in the background 😭😭😭
“i just hope that there is someone who can me believe that he can understand. you are one who made me who made me understand these feelings.”
Them finally getting to use the bento lunchbox kohei’s mom bought but it’s their last moment together in college
I’m devastated did kohei just tell taichi he likes him in sign language because he knows taichi won’t know and taichi saying if he only realized/figured out the meaning back then
The whole episode was so heartbreaking they’ve got me crying real tears
Why didn’t Taichi tell Kouhei what he is going to do, and why is dropping out of college in the first place?????? Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!! ….arrghhh this is so frustrating…..damn these two…just repressing and hiding away their emotions, care, and love….
I thought Taichi is going to give Maya a piece of his mind for doing what she was doing to Kouhei-Taichi’s bonding……and Taichi being Taichi, look at what he did…….I guess the only way he can make someone cry is by being kind to them, to a fault….
Kouhei crying like that and pretending it’s just the onions… Taichi looking up with that longing in his eyes at Kouhei, as he sign-language-d Taichi to keep smiling and walked away….the resignation in Kouhei’s words and voice almost making it seem like “this is it, the end of my road with Taichi….”… even that hug was so fleeting…and neither said what they so desperately wanted to say, it seemed…
I seriously wanted to violently shake them up and force them to blurt out what’s in their hearts ….I can’t take this anymore!!!!!! :(((((((
This is the last but one episode….when will these two dodo-s finally confess to each other and let us breathe easy..….they’re making me go weak in anticipation…