No Gain, No Love (2024) Episode 7
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No Gain, No Love (2024) Episode 7 full episodes
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I’m more invested in second lead couple, want their screen time more
daebak! he moved to “another penthouse” living with his wife and twin sister 😂 such a happy life I’d say
the vibe is sweet yet hot af! awaiting their hot kiss scene and lovey dovey
The kiss is so bad 😰😰😰😰🙈
Glad she stopped running away from her feelings and accepted reality Ji Uk 👰🤵💪💪
BTW, what’s with the epilogue? If both of them wasn’t drunk, how come they slept together on the bed and got shocked in the morning???
I know I left my brain on the desk but…. my eyes still can see the plot hole……
Wtf is wrong with her sis 💀 she is deceiving herself so bad
I still can’t understand what is the legal situation with ML and FL? They are not married(they didn’t sign documents for marriage license) , they only had wedding. From Good partner drama I learn that there is two type of marriages: legal marriage with marriage license and common law marriage.
If they don’t have license , how they will divorce and why they are talking about divorce? If they don’t live together they can’t be considered in common law marriage too.
I´ve just get to know that there will be spinoff of second leads love story calld The CEO´s Menu :O :O :O wuaaa I can´t wait :O I love their storyline so much
Her ex is kinda dumb for trying to sabotage her with his knowledge of her, forgetting that he is shooting himself in the foot in front of his wife.
30:00 Did they really make a joke about dildos??!!! This is why I love this drama. It makes me laugh all the time.
She’s lying to herself that she’s willing of being in the polyamory relationship.
In the earlier episode, there was one scene where she found the girl’s earing, if she’s willing shouldn’t she just tell him or her that the girl left her earing behind? Why did she hid the earing deep into the sofa?
That only shows that she’s like my friend that got beat up by her husband but deny when I report to authorities, she kept saying he was sorry and will change his ways……. and she died from drinking poison…. unknown of whether self inflicted or not.
l am loving how the whole cast is exceptionally potraying their roles!!!
That kimbap scene was so hilarious, I had a hard time breathing 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🥰🥰
When it comes to personal relationships, especially something as nuanced as polyamory, it’s important to respect the choices of those involved. Everyone’s situation and feelings are unique, so the best approach is often to listen and support without imposing your own views. If you’re not personally affected, staying neutral and respectful seems like a good way to go.
This improbably k-tvs way of spreading awareness. I know nothing about it, I dont know anyone who’s in it so I dont have anything to say about it.
I am annoyed at how many times FL and ex have been verge of being caught and havent been. its about time, its getting redundant and on my nerves.
otherwise stellar episode. going to feel bit bad about Secretary Sea when SFL will go with Bok.
Is the friend really not a monogamous person or does she just not believe in being married?
Non monogamy is something that I have over time a better understanding but still feels foreign to me. People say humans are meant to be monogamous and it’s a social constraint. For me I like being monogamous. I do believe if a person isn’t a monogamous person society judgement is an issue. It comes down to honesty in whatever relationships one has.
Post Note: It’s hard enough to find one person I trust without trying to find 2 trustworthy men.
Second Lead couple is giving…I love how their story is progressing
I understand that she’s seeing him for 10 years now, and it will be difficult to cut him out suddenly from her life, although m just saying it, I just dun understand y it’s difficult and specially after u find out that someone is cheating on u even after being in a relationship for gud 10 years, but just to give her this, I’ll say I understand its not easy for her to leave him, and her sisters tried to talk to her too and she didn’t give a damn….the only thing left is, therapy, she really needs it….
Ok I think we are all in agreement the friend is in an open relationship vs a polyamorous one which would mean her boyfriend, her and the other woman would all be involved together.
Are sex toys taboo with Censorship? She even had names for each one
you, who is reading or watching the drama including me = we will not have ji-uk bcz we can’t find anyone like him. i am giggling while watching the drama, they are so cute.
I’m only into 1/4 of the episode so maybe I’m wrong but I don’t think the FL’s friend is polyamorous I think she figures this is the only way she can keep her boyfriend without a marriage commitment. I won’t believe it’s polyamorous unless she is seeing other people too.
I’m enjoying this drama. I’m hooked on the second couple. kiss at the end was a little weak. I expected more enthusiasm from him, not that he would remain a statue. But hey, it’s a start.🥰🥰
The ex is a fool, can’t he shut up a little? And his wife seems very calculating to me. I don’t think she love him one bit.
So do they now decide to date now??? Maybe try and be a real couple for the time that they are married.
Also need a spicier kiss than this in the future.
Also the second couple’s story is progressing…… The President’s heart went all badam badam when looking at Ja Yeon. So he fell first.. can’t wait for him to fall harder.
what was that kiss lol its kinda weak for how FL is portrayed all the time. anyway i hope they keep the story light and fun like this
What’s this poly thing? That’s new to me.
Everything in this episode was ♥️
When they all tried the kimbap god thier faces were very funny lol. I think he imagined penthouse of wrong drama XD
Anyone knows what’s in this box? Se* toy or something,am I right?
Seeing Lee sangyi weak character is very awkward like i still think of his role in bloodhound but he did very good here too. Want to see him as ML.
Lastly Kim jiuk jiuka
Fluttering moments were too bad for my heart. And epilogue AAAAAHHHHH
I LOVE THIS DRAMA SO MUCH! With all the anxiety inducing dramas ongoing right now, this drama is so feel good and lightweight. I love it so much <3
i think cheater’s wife doesn’t actually loves him she just thinks of him as trophy and something to control anyway kind of deserving
I’m okay with poly but I don’t like how Jayeon went about it.
nah, cz really those poly relations are just excuses for people who do not want to commit
Polymorous relationship Is like a mental problem and what justification Is you only live once, like so I can start killing people cause I only live once, its such a bullshit
When FL and her ex will stop showing that they know each other? Can they think before talking? I was hoping the CEO will go to the housewarming party? The house is not new, why housewarming party then? ML was living in FL house 9 years ago and she and her “sisters” didn’t recognise him? What was the point for him to leave his nice apartment when he kept the job and the car? When was that scene from the epilogue? When they were in a hotel together , after he bought the ring? And they were not drunk?
polyarmous relationship in kdrama, that new to me. is there other show that does this?
The #1 feel good drama of this year. It doesn’t make you anxious at all. I am giggling all the time. Want more and more of this.
Woke up early to watch this as soon as it releases @5AM PST on Prime. Kdrama can make me love Monday!!