My Stand-In (2024) Episode 4
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Sh!t is literally a thriller. Words cannot express at how much i don’t want Ming to end up with this sweet Joe boy. Him “dying” and being reborn (feeling the cheap coma plot through though maybe) would be his chance to forever escape from him (or getting revenge if this would be handled as a thriller) and he has a mom now who’s here for him but i don’t trust BL to handle this well…Sol is the real one and i wish they could be endgame but i already don’t like how they’ve handled their breakup like “ok i’m going to Korea i’ve dumped you but actually I love you so i came back”, this was cheap dumb BL writing (their weak attempt to make us feel sorry for Ming just cause he’s feeling alone and been waiting for him in the appartment that does not belong to him btw isn’t cute or sad, pls call the police) so i don’t have a lot of hope regarding it all but w/e..
Its adopted by novel so it will end like whatever is written.
I never thought I would hate Ming more than I already do. But after this episode I am proved wrong. I hate Ming a gazillion times more.
No matter how long he waits and how much he begs Ming doesn’t deserve Joe. Joe deserved better. Set up Joe with anyone else…. even if the show makers turn he straight and pair him up with the actress from the first and second episode… I am good with that.
Ming is literally crazy. I can not believe hoe he just hit Joe in the head without any regret just so he can have Joe on his own. and he keep saying “you are mine”, or “you should do what I say” he want to be in control at all time like Joe is just an object. Sheesh that beyond toxic. by the way the fight with sol was funny I couldn’t help but laught
Revenge time. The one I despise the most is Tong with Ming a close second. This drama was just an in between waiting for the latest eps of my fave shows but now it is getting interesting. Also enjoying all the eye candy.
when is the next episode guys?
Oh hell no!!! I urgently need a Lovely writer counter-cure, as all I am doing in this series is to learn how to hate Up with hot-white passion!!! Geez… this character is everything that is NOT OK!!! Violent, selfish, self-centered, narcissistic, unhinged, disgusting son of a B!!! What the heck?!
Joe is so pure, he didn’t deserve this. Nobody does.
As of now, no matter what they do further in this series, there is no way in the hottest hell that I could warm up to Ming’s character, ever!!! He can stand on his head and spin to eternity while asking for forgiveness, and I’ll be still hating him! What a douche! (As a side note, I have to add, I absolutely admire the way this negative character is written and played. 😂 Hi is fully fleshed out, and Up is a perfect fit, which is so strange, but oh well. That’s what good acting should do.)
I am in love with Joe’s character and I hate how Ming the stupid took away his smile. The saddest moment was when tears flowed from his eyes. How nice and gentle he is😔
I’m just loving this series. It’s almost the same as the novel.
Too sad 😭oml 😢
Joe searching up his name and that page saying nothing was found turning up gave me goosebumps. And all of this while all of those MFs progressed in their lives? Specially MING?! My ears were steaming. I NEED REVENGE.
+ Joe coming back home to tell ming to pack up and leave, and the first thing Ming tells him is “you’d never find anyone better than me” and I’m like
+ The camera angles are great. The colors are beautiful and the lighting suits the mood. I like the way Joe is himself in all the scenes and only when he looks at the mirror he sees his new face.
This show has me hooked!
Does someone know what the difference between the cut version and the uncut version is??
I’m somehow glad that Joe d*ed I am afraid that Ming would have done something worse to Joe if he didn’t d*e.
And it’s such a d*ckmove, to cover up Joes death. Is that even legal????
Damn this show is going to kill me! I hate it and love it at the same time. I canNOT with it!
I just realized ALL THIS and we are ONLY on ep 4 of 12!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A revenge arc WOULD be interesting. at least a little.
It would also be so refreshing if a NEW guy entered the scene and swept Joe off his feet, and all the jack holes got their just desserts. hahahahaha
(even though I LOVE Ming’s messy character. lol)
WAIT, does Ming not KNOW that Joe died???
Wut did. Why would Ming be waiting for him? (questioning look on my face)
You’d think with the amount of money he has, Ming would have searched high and low to find Joe, if he didn’t know about it.
I’m trying to remember how the back of house acted when Joe went to work in there. I think I remember the boss dude (with the noodle making wife) saying that he used to have a Joe as a stunt man, but he died. I’m pretty sure none of them that knew him, acted like he just went missing. (but that was episodes ago, and I’ve slept since then.)
First of all, 188 comments??? my gosh this must be one heck of an ep!
Good golly, TWO minutes in and my heart is already aching. Joe’s sadness oozes out of him. (well done Poom!)
Dang, Joe is really stuck in a hard place. Tong is so unprofessional!
hahahah that couch! it’s so wide, Joe’s feet dangle off of it! I’d also like to know what that fried goodness is on that plate. :))
Does Ming know you broke up? lol
I’m glad that Joe sees things now in the right light, but it breaks me heart how heartbroken he is.
That’s not really how you break up there Joe. SOME sort of explanation would have been better.
Ming ordering Joe was kinda surprising. (I like this jerk, obsessive role for Up. lol)
WHO do you think you are, still in love with Tong, and then telling Joe he can’t get away from you? and he has to be at your beck and call?? wtfreak!
This fight, NO ONE notices poor Joe? gets slammed into the metal corner of a wall, gets punched in the face by Ming. Those two idiots just keep on keepin on. Takes a grown up to break it up. smh :)) The way he said ‘Don’t make me call security.’ Reminded me of every mother who ever said ‘Don’t make me come up there.’ hahahah
Sol going WITH Joe to ‘clear things up’ is WAY more dangerous for Joe. lol
Freakin MING should NOT have answered that phone. He SHOULD have chosen Joe then, and forever! oh boy! that’s so messed up.
WHAT THE FREAKIN FRACKIN FRUCKING $#@$#$$##@#%^^@#%^ IS WRONG WITH YOU MING???????????????????????????
Are we supposed to believe all this because he is JEALOUS of Sol?? and NOT because he again chooses Tong?
This is really too much.
Tong is another jack hole.
I love how Joe just walks out, from a place he’s never been. I would have thought to go up the stairs. lol. Must be a door we don’t see.
Now we know how he ended up doing the international stunt.
Don’t understand WHY they can’t just tell Boss that he was locked up. (and PRESS CHARGES jeez)
Gosh Boom is a good actor. His eyes are SO expressive, and he can get them teary so well.
Knowing what’s coming, my heart is STILL in my mouth. I really don’t want him to do this stunt. waaaahhhhh
Not once has Ming said “I don’t care about Tong anymore” not once has he said “I choose you.” not once has he said “I love you.”
who knows what he was about to say before the battery died. sigh
And now, we are up to current time. what a ride. (literally)
The fact Ming is still waiting at home for Joe after two years is really annoying the f**k out of me. I don’t understand why the writer is making Ming to look innocent and committed after the sh*t he has done over the years to Joe. Unfortunately, Ming is not getting any emphatic from me cus that’s exactly what the writer want the viewers to have for Ming. U don’t get to ruined someone live and career and expect for thing to just go back to normal by living in their home until they returned.
I don’t know what redemption strategy the writer is having for Ming but I hope it’s not some bull crap excuses.
i have no comment this is just stupid byee
joe was so innocent and felt bad for him every second of the series and joe actor is such a good actor his eyes expresses his emotiions so well…
they were fighting like bitches😂😂😂😂😂😂 but sol beat his ass he deserved that shit
Wow… I can’t believe how far Ming was willing to go to do Tong’s dirty work. And only once Joe is gone, did he realize he may actually feel something real for him… he can make all the dinners he wants I do not know if that would be enough. Hopefully it won’t be enough for Joe.
If it’s doesn’t take the revenge route, i’m going to fight anyone in the crew!!Ming must suffer some more and Tong as well.
Omg imagine this one going the Glory of revenge route, damn when we will get that kind of BL? Jeez I just gave goosebumps to myself.
Ming being like “where you been Anna Mae?” )))
In love with this mess so far
Lmao that sissy fight was everything ))
huh… i didnt realise i was actually watching YOU please tell me this is actually going to become a revenge drama and he’s not going back to that psychopath omg :’) i thought thai bls were getting better at not romanticising abusive behaviour but here we are again…
Okay, a few things for me. I know many will disagree with me but I kinda understand Ming.
He’s someone who has a crush on someone he could never have. So when he finally got a stand in, he was going to do everything within his power to not lose him.
Ming being heart broken and calling Joe Tong toe was needed. Ming needed to have that closure. Some people enter rships for the most selfish reason, but when Joe started to grow on him and he finally let Tong go, Sol turned up. Hahaha.
Ming I assume grew up rich and has always had things done his way. So it’s no surprise he tried to control instead of understand Joe. And Sol, showing up everywhere didn’t help at all. It just made him unhinged, super jealous and possessive.
That said, that fight was everything! I almost burst a rib. Joe kept getting hit and that pause before Ming went for Sol’s hair made me cough up my dinner while laughing.
I like the pace and the story so far. Can’t wait for next week!
Ming treating Joe like property. Imma start calling him tuperware joe
The minute Joe realized he was the stand-in in his and Ming’s non-existent relationship was the moment conniving Ming knew, he effed up! Big-time! Ugh! I so wish Joe would just stop saying Ming.. Ming.., and just NOPEs the eff out of there after he told Ming how he really felt, but ehh, whatever! Then there goes egomaniac Tong with his overly robust ego with a level of arrogance that border on the pathological, acting like a douche. Double Ugh! Poor Joe can’t get a effing break! Well, for now, at least. I’m rooting for him to deep fry and victoriously humble both Ming/Tong’s arses. Love Mek and Up! They are both doing such a great job portraying these evil characters that I equally loathe both their characters here, passionately. lol… The cat-fight and GooGoo was funny though, lol.. Love Sol! I should’ve just watched the last two episodes of Boys be brave for a more pleasant lunch time, but I love Joe too much not to watch this when I saw the new episode upload. Yep! I’m a Sucker for Joe! lol…… Happy Friday/Weekend! See you tomorrow, DC! Adjios!
ming is that type of boyfriend who’s like “if i can’t have you, no one else will” in real life he would never change and his psychosis would escalate to date/spousal murder. even if he really fell for joe and decided to forget about tong, its far too late… he’s been treating joe like a stand-in since day 1 (not realizing the idiot that the back he fell for from the start was joe all along) he’s belittled joe, humiliated him and HELD HIM CAPTIVE IN CHAINS. unless they take the route of a dark romance (ala kinnporsche), i don’t see a happy ending for both as a couple.
as for tong, i just hope his day comes fast because every time he’s on screen, i wanna gouge his eyes out (mek is doing a great job tho)
also p’wut and sol were probably silenced regarding joe’s “death” …
and now i have to wait another week? UNFAIR.
side note: up is doing AMAZING being the psychotic boyfriend… he was so soft and kitty like in lovely writer, and now he’s public enemy number 1
Ming is totally shameless. And tong… I hope in una falls in the groud. And for me ming can knows that jos is..
Dear May,
Your little brother is a manipulator, gaslighter, abuser, kidnapper, sister boyfriend lover AND an all round horrible POS 🤬😤🤬.
His 🍆should have stayed abroad and far away from the innocent that was Joe.
He ruined a good man May and should be put down🔫 for it 😤.
(Not me channeling my inner Kendrick) 🤣😂🤣.
Okay Backkkk to my earlier anger, lol But did this Nincompoop say that Joel will never find a better boyfriend 😮😮👀. HE IS A SICKKKKKKKKKKKK muthafuxker.
As CHAIRMAN of the Ming haters club, it is on sight whenever I see him. Weaka$$ Sol did nothing 🙄.
NO! They didn’t even give me the opportunity to hate Ming till the end, he should not be given chance to redeem himself, I want to really hate him for messing Joe’s life up!
So, what now, just because he was going to promise Joe that he will not be anyone’s ‘stand in’ again, he will be the one and only one. Nah! The writers, give me more time to h ate him. He is still completely 🚩in my eyes
Jesus take the wheel because if u let me drive IM HITTING MING AND REVERSING BACK JUST TO HIT HIM AGAIN. omfg im so PISSED 😡🔥
Will Joe return to his own body, will he find out about himself. I was so anxious watching the stunt scene , Joe is so hardworking and innocent one and why he has face all problems…these questions arises while watching. .. poom nailed Joe character. I am so connected with Joe character that I can feel his sadness, anger
At this point, I just want this series to turn into like a brutal revenge or a serial killer ones like DAFUQ??? 😤 Ming and Tong deserve a living place in hell!! There’s literally no redemption left for Ming!!! 🤬🤬
I had a bit of hope for Ming until I saw that he kidnapped Joe. Is he insane!!! He has lost the little respect I was hoping to have for him!!! I am so angry right now!! They should never ever get back together
Honestly its the fight between Sol and Ming so hilarious i totally died watching that scene🤣🤣
Ming and Sol need awards for best fight in a BL. It’s so well choreographed and they went all in. Joe is such a well-rounded character with the way he handled the break-up and was firm about what he wanted/didn’t want. I hope his character development does not regress because the writers want him to end up with that b*tch*ss manipulative sob.
I also want Googoo this Google is so bad and old it doesn’t give information as the Googoo gives…🤣🤣🤣
I love each second of this series …from intro to outro ….I just watched….I think after dark blue kiss this drama and wandee goodday intro I saw without skip….also like the outro …😅 Tried to read as many name as I can ….😂😂😂….
As for episode I was all screaming and screaming to Joe No…..Noooo…..Nnnoooo 😂😂😂
Seriously Joe handle the Ming so well just pack your things and get out …..all because of Ming Joe lost everything…..but Joe also makes some mistake….🥲….he shouldn’t has to go to that stunt after so many warnings by Pwut …he still have pwut….but I know Joe is hurt ..he want to prove him self….
As for ming ….it’s to late to regret after all cause he is just crying like widow… waiting for love ….no he should first be punished….. That how he listen tong and chained Joe and stop him ( I was hoping to see some bdsm🫣🤭)
(Ps- deep inside I was happy that Ming eyes are open ….and it’s just a gusse but Ming enter entertainment industry to find out clue about Joe death….)
We will going see so many scenes of ming and pwut, Joe it’s going to fun to see the hates …😅😂
Tong is a whole mastermind behind all this …he is cause of Joe death and silent the crew ….wants to control everything….
As for Sol…. I need to appreciate the casting team and the actor…he just played it well …. everytime I see his character I get the negative aura from it …like I know he is a bad person hiding true colours….😅
As for Joe it’s good choice to keep phoom after the body switch and show other face when it’s necessary….this give us more understanding also it’s doesn’t confuse us …
( What if phoom is replaced permanently after the accident and other one played lead role…..*generally happens in these type of storyline*… I think if this happens then this series will lost his shine…and charm…)
The writer and director done great job …in execution.. 😍☺️
Joe hun you DESERVE so much better 😫 those guys are so not good for you.
There I said it 💅 Sorry, not sorry, but it’s true. He needs self-love, freedom and dignity.
Sol is an idol, suddenly comes back in the name of love? Did he really, or just like Ming he can’t accept that someone is trying to move on? Ming, not only is spoiled but toxic AF. He is in his 20’s not a child, and is still so heavily influenced by scum like Tong, even worse Ming caves in to his own delusional jealousy that he HAS the AUDACITY to do that do Joe… I’ve heard it’s worse in the novel, and they reversed here with Joe seducing in order to escape. Ngl we don’t need any more motives to hate Ming. There’s plenty already. Even that movie director was an A$$hole ffs! There were better ways to break things even & replace the cast if he wanted, instead of angrily doing so in front of the ACTORS and STUNTMENS alike. WTF is wrong with that guy?? What a temper. This whole deal, was a set of unfortunate events presented by utter scumbags, where the main victim was none other than Joe.
Was that ending scene supposed to make us pity Ming? Ohhh BOO HOO, so what if he has been waiting for Joe, for two whole years, all this time heating the food into one more bowl and keeping the light on because it was what Joe likes? CRY ME A RIVER. I’m not sold on that yet. He needs to grovel and improve himself when facing Joe. Worse than him is Tong. The guy thrived, while Joe vanished… I wish Karma will come knocking on his door ASAP. A scandal, some shady business deal, his nasty self being exposed, I need him to have a bigger of a fall, than Joe did, in his career. Make it all crash & burn for all I care. Joe is going to change his life this time around, it sucks that he is surrounded by the same toxic people he should’ve left in the past. Fortunately, there’s still P’Wut, Yim and P’JoJo to help him out.
I literally cried alot in this ep poor Joe didn’t deserve any of it… And the fact no one knows he is dead is heart breaking 😭 I fckin hate Ming for what he did to Joe when I thought he wouldn’t be that toxic he hit Joe on his head and locked him then had guts to say that I won’t treat you as a stand in anymore just come back to me.. like bro!? The world doesn’t revolve around you🤌🏻 bcs of your stupid action you literally destroyed a life and now you are waiting for him playing a good lover??
I don’t blame Joe for wanting to catch up on what he missed during his absence. Such as…
I do blame him for hastily returning to his original home even though he was not caught. However, Ming would find out since he has not given up on Joe’s return, hence, Ming still lives there and is waiting. Too bad Joe did not have enough time to place the key back under the pot.
Idk how Ming works in the entertainment industry, remains living at Joe’s, and cooks would affect Joe? I cross fingers hoping Joe would not fall for the changed Ming. 🤞
They had a cat fight
and didn’t even bother to check on Joe that was hurt because of them. Talk about priorities
🤨 clearly Joe isn’t one, for either Ming or Sol. They were fighting like it was for a toy 🙄
May 18, 2024 (1:21 AM)
☑️My Stand-In, Episode 4
Most of the comment here and in the other sites, saying they hate Ming so much. I agree, I hate him for being a toxic lover to Joe… But I think, Ming locked up Joe not because he don’t like Joe to outshine “his beloved Tong”, he locked him up because he don’t want Joe to be paired to Sol, he’s starting to be jealous (possessive is the word for others)… I think Ming already realized that he truly like/love Joe… That’s what he want to say but Joe’s cellphone got empty battery… A proof of this theory that Ming realized he like Joe was the scene wherein he agreed to Joe’s request to be on top instead of him…
After watching today’s episode and punching my pillow imagining as tong and p’ming to vent out my anger since I can’t scream or I’ll be asked why then I’ll have to say am watching bl ,which I can’t hehe😅.
Am glad to have Saturday for my green flag yoryak from wandee god day,luckily
And side note though tong has a punchable face as we can all agree but has anyone noticed he kinda looks like khaoutong you A.K.A red flag sand from only friends.But it could be just me 🤭……see y’all next week chow🤪
I’m saying that Tong is the root of all evils in this story. It started with his greed once he met May, one of the heirs to the Akkrayotha Group’s family.
He doesn’t care about the film crew. With the wealthy in-laws backing him, he doesn’t have to respect anyone from the director, the crew or the cast. After all, parts of the film finance come from the Akkrayotha Group.
My blood boiled seeing him mocking Wut. Argh!
He even got Joe blacklisted and Pao…
So far the script is good as long as it does not stray from the original novel. We could already see Joe has been cornered into a difficult situation in this film industry after meeting Ming.
Of course Ming is totally unaware of his part in ruining the original Joe’s life work. I’m crossing fingers hoping the reincarnated Joe would not let his story repeat. New Joe does not need to shine to prove he’s better than Tong. He should be riddance of Ming.
Too sad that Joe did not have the luxury of learning English growing up as an orphan. If only he could catch the foreigner’s complaint about the work crew’s set-up.
Am just waiting for Joe to shine bright in the industry and ruin tong… Ming and Joe will eventually end up together because they are the leads… but right now am so angry at Ming and don’t even feel sympathy towards him that he’s waiting for Joe even after 2 years…he deserve this pain even more than this
That scene of Ming and sol made me dying 😂
Hope now director will give Joe some happiness and success
This episode breaks my heart I feel so bad for Joe, why do selfish people get everything from ruining others’ lives? I hope those people get their bad karma for hurting our lovely Joe. And Joe’s acting abilities are exceptional, his eyes convey so much.
Ming living in Joe’s old apartment will not erase everything (especially the illegal things) he did.
It’s VERY TRUE that arrogance is a prominent feature of narcissistic behaviour. Arrogant individuals often exhibit narcissistic traits. Ming has a disregard for others’feelings.
The low-level narcissistic pervert. He is rejected, he does emotional blackmail and then he manipulates!!! WOW!
And it got to the point of physical violence??
As in all bls the bad characters have a happy ending: I HOPE this writer will not dare to make JO Ming characters the end game.
MING AND TONG are two SICK people!!
They will try to find a way to give Ming a second chance… After chaining Joe under Tong’s command and making him lose his job and his life: Ming had a REVELATION: Love for Jo.
I call this Bullshit!
I’m proud of Joe with how he handled things with Ming. Man was firm to end things with that a*hole and he stood his ground despite being so heartbroken! (I want to hug him so bad 🤧🤧)
The only thing I disagree with Joe is how he wants the main role to prove that he isn’t just Tong’s stand-in. He should do that for himself, not for anyone’s approval. Also, Joe needs to understand that he’s not inferior to Tong in any way because Tong is a literal TRASH.
Joe, don’t compare yourself to TRASH that’s what a madman does!
Me every time I see Tong🙄🙄
The gaslighting in today’s episode is .. ?? Ming is shameless .. no words !
Ming is the cause of Joe’s death, maybe not directly, but a big part of it. But the action of these two actors Poom and Up made my heart skip beats. I got all kinds of emotions. I love this episode so much.He locked Joe as an animal and unlocked him because he wanted to have sex with him. 🤮
Ming is such a mean and dangerous guy, but he falls for Joe too. Evil can fall in love and it will be always toxic.
I love the idea that Ming has been waiting for Joe to come back for the last 2 years. He deserves to feel that pain. Up’s facial experience is fantastic, it made me feel pity for Ming. Not for the novel’s one.
I hope new Joe will give him a hard time.
P.S. Sol went back to Korea, I was wondering if he knew that Joe died in accident not just disappeared since there were no news about Joe’s accident.
Book spoilers for this episode and it’s not good. I’ll be sticking with the series names and not the book version names. Also mentions a bit about the trailer as well.
This isn’t thai BLs just being regular toxic. This is an adaptation of a Chinese damnei where it’s a lot worse than I believe what most people can stomach. When getting into series like these YMMV, read the trigger warnings and also stop if you can’t continue. The Thai version is toned down and to me it’s not about romanticising abuse because if it were Joe would’ve stayed and not broken free during his first life.
There’s a trope in damnei novels (these are Chinese novels with same s*x male relationships) called wife chasing in the crematorium. I’d like to think of it as “you don’t appreciate what you have until you lose them.” The relationship basically has one character wronging the other, and then after the one who was wrong disappears/dies/breaks away from the other one, there’s the realization that this was the person you’ve loved all your life but you’ve f*cked up immensely. (I hope I got that right).
In a previous post (ep 3), I did mention that the feelings are mutual however to reiterate Joe loves with his whole heart and Ming’s feelings are still tainted by his obsession over Tong which is why it was best that Joe did not enable Ming’s behaviour. Even this episode, with Ming confessing that he just wants Joe is motivated by selfishness because part of him can’t get Tong’s influence out of his mind. Plus the thing is, Joe didn’t get away from Ming because he wanted him to come after him. That’s not Joe. He doesn’t do games. Joe (in this new body and idk if he’ll ever get his original back) just wants to live his life.
Maybe it’s because I’m currently reading one of the 188 scum gong books that’ sending my blood pressure up that this one doesn’t faze me one bit. Ming is terrible, messed up but he has a lot of feelings underneath unlike a certain manipulative character from that other book that I would like to d*e in a fire.
And because Joe doesn’t do games, if Ming starts playing games with Joe, well, he deserves to suffer all his life. But I don’t think Ming will end up like that. It’s the whole living in Joe’s place that shows that Ming hasn’t moved on from him. But that’s just one little thing. Once he realizes Joe is actually alive, I can’t wait for him to work his a** off to prove to Joe that he wants to be with him without any hidden agenda. As I’ve mentioned in another previous post, I’m thinking ahead. But as of now, I just want Joe to be back on his feet and not worrying about Ming.
I need to take some dramamine from all the eye rolling I did at the end of the ep.
I all I could do was scream.. are they really trying to make me feel sorry for Ming. Still living in Joe’s old place like he’s there waiting on him to return.
Ming is toxic and beyond redemption but my goodness, I loathe Tong 😭😭. I can’t even stand seeing him and hate how he got exactly what he wanted in the end 😒😒. I’ve read the book and I hope they do more justice to his character in the series than in the book 😩😩.
What is the name of the novel ? Gotta read it if there is a translation
PART 1… After this episode there’s no doubt Tong and Ming exhibit most of the signs of Antisocial Personality Disorder. They “exploit, manipulate or violate the rights of others. Lack concern, regret or remorse about other people’s distress. Behave irresponsibly and show disregard for normal social behavior. Have difficulty sustaining long-term relationships.” And in this case, also have narcissistic traits and tendencies. I’m actually surprised that Tong and Ming haven’t taken each other out in the quest to be top dog but that’s bc Tong made Ming inferior to him long ago and Ming bought that. It’s the reason why Ming thought he had the rights to keep pushing Joe around even after finding out what he said and did and in Joe’s house🤬🤯😏 I liked that Wut wanted Joe to clear the mess with Ming before his big role reveal at the press conference but Ming is the type of possessive, selfish a-hole that doesn’t take no for an answer.
All this means that Joe or anyone else in that situation wouldn’t be able to reason with them with logical thoughts and facts. Tong/ Ming don’t understand them and manipulate info to their own flawed understanding. Ming meant it when he said that he only cares about Joe being with Sol bc he (Ming) thinks he owns Joe. I thought it was genius when Joe asked to top or be behind Ming, essentially changing the power dynamics between them. And also giving him (Joe) a chance to do what he did – literally FIGHTING!!!💪💪💪 YAY!!!👏🥳 Tho I was upset to see that right before his death and getting that call from Ming, he couldn’t delete Ming as a contact, something so many victims of domestic violence do😔
So, the blacklist was also likely why no one went asking questions and looking for Joe, not just the unlicensed part of that production company. And he couldn’t go to the police without his gay “status” being outed and judged, essentially also k illing his career before it even got started officially. I’m upset and disappointed tho that Wut and Sol didn’t go searching for Joe since they actually cared for him. Joe really did underestimate the evil that Tong and Ming are. He found out too late😭 If anyone ever holds you against your will like that, you have to fight for your life and leave🙏 Irl that person rarely changes for the better😔 These writers better write a miracle to redeem Ming bc so far I don’t see how I’m ever going to be ok with MingJoe endgame in the past life or this new one Joe has😏
PART 2… Also, I’m sorry Joe didn’t need to take that job. He had so many warnings he ignored. He was foolish for taking that risk and doing it in plain desperation!😮💨😔 As Joe slowly walked to his motorbike. I was so anxious bc I knew what was going to happen to him. I couldn’t even look at it this time. Joe saying yes to the main role only to prove he isn’t a stand in anymore to Ming was so frustrating to hear. Joe should have done it for himself not the approval of Ming or anyone else😏
Joe was cold, firm and straight-forward with Ming when he told him he wanted to end things. He stood his ground and didn’t sob in front of Ming even tho he was hurting so deeply👏 I was so proud of him and I Loved It!❤️ I just wish Joe had thrown Ming’s stuff out from the start instead and in the process changed the locks to his place, lol. I wouldn’t trust someone like Ming not to burn or trash my house on their way out. I know those of you who have read the novel keep saying Sol is annoying and an a-hole there but so far in this adaptation he’s been a star and I love how he kicked Ming’s a*s🥳
That’s right, you have your dignity, Joe and you don’t want to be anybody’s stand in as you shouldn’t be💪 But I didn’t like when Joe said, he thought he wasn’t as good as Tong bc 1) we know that isn’t true and 2) he shouldn’t be comparing himself to literal trash or anyone else for that matter😏
I kept yelling at the screen, Don’t turn your back on him and when he did, I wasn’t shocked to see what Ming ended up doing. I WAS RA GING AND LIV*D!!!🤬😤💥 I’m ready to see Joe fight back now and get the life he should have had all along and to make Tong & Ming pay for what they did💪💪💪
Side note: You know, I usually like to see back hugs and all the affection it shows but after this series aired and what those back hugs mean here, I’m feeling nauseated when I see them lately🤢😭
Got two words for Ming – Incorrigible Whacko!
He went from emotionally abusing him to physically abusing. The dude is relentless. 😧
You might hate me for saying this, but the accident was a good thing for Joe, at least he got the much needed respite from Ming.
Now he’s become a redemption seeking widow. Well it’s going to be so interesting from here on in.
P. S – That was some pretty smart manoeuvring on Joe’s part, good old seduction always works 😉
LA Joe is different from the novel Ah Xiang. Ah Xiang is already kind and soft hearted but Joe really took it to another level. He still cooked breakfast for Ming🥲. “In the novel Ah Xiang shoved MingXiu away harshly and fled frantically from his own home. Then he drove aimlessly as he didn’t know where he should go. He can’t go to Wei Ge’s (P’Wut) house because his sister-in-law is pregnant and he doesn’t want to disturb them. And so after driving aimlessly in that winter night, he decided to go to the compand and stayed in Wei Ge’s office.”
Ming kept saying that he can give Joe what he needs or wants but he’s not listening to Joe at all. Ah Xiang is a character who’s easily satisfied. He’s not rich but he’s also not poor. Even though his parents passed away early he never had a problem with money. All he wants is to have someone who he can spend his life with, someone he’ll love and someone who’ll love him. Joe deserve all the best in the world. Ming, sweetie you are making it so hard for me to trust you. You deserve to grovel and grovel so hard.
The iconic fight scene of Yan MingXiu (Ming) and Lan XiRong (Sol) 🤣🤣 LMAO 🤣🤣. At least no other people saw it aside from P’Wut. In the novel there are few people who saw it. So embarrassing and funny 🤣🤣. The background music didn’t help at all🤣. Also, MingXiu was way more crazy in the novel because he deliberately focused his punches on XiRong’s face. He really hated Lan XiRong. That’s the reason why he didn’t want Ah Xiang to participate in that project. Ming knows that Joe accepting that project will greatly help his career but he really HATED the idea of Joe being close with Sol. BUT don’t you dare forgive him yet. Especially the ending of this episode. For me, he deserves to grovel hard and his character development arc is not yet enough.
I have a like-hate relationship with Lan XiRong as he also did his fair share of annoying things but Sol… I kinda like him now. If I disregard XiRong from the novel then I’m rooting for Sol in the LA. He’s actually pretty decent.
That shitty snake! I really want to bury him alive. Just because of his connection to Ming’s family, he dares to act like that. Joe again is used as a scape goat between Director Pao and that snake. P’Wut also is kinda different from Wei Ge in the novel. I know and I can see the brotherhood between P’Wut and Joe but dyk that in the novel it was Wei Ge who convinced Ah Xiang to accept that lead role offered by Director Pao? Because since Ah Xiang already offended that snake (yes, I’m not gonna say his name even the og from the novel) and he will surely receive some backlash from that snake’s fans as it was already rumored (everyone already knows) that the lead role of Director Pao’s next project is that snake. Then his reputation will surely hit rock bottom and it’ll be difficult for him to get any stunt jobs or any job in that industry. It’s a lose-lose situation and so him accepting it won’t really change anything. But rather it could give him a slight chance of finally making a break through. That snake and Ming didn’t directly kill Joe but they pushed him in that direction. So Ming… grovel hard.
This will probably piss you all more. In the novel, after that snake attended the conference as the lead role he eventually dropped the project. He actually didn’t want it. He just hated Director Pao and more importantly, he didn’t want a mere stuntman to take his “place”. So the project was eventually scrapped.
I’m really thankful for Joe2’s mom for giving the maternal love that Joe longed for. And so I fully understand if Joe would do anything for her.
I am very proud that Joe was firmed about breaking up with Ming. Actually, I was surprised that Ming acknowledged Joe as his boyfriend. I thought they were not officially together.
Ming had the audacity to tell Joe that when he told him to come home, he had to come home 🤦♀️ Even though I knew that Ming had a terrible personality, but it was still shocking that he hit Joe and locked him up. He did it not for Tong but because of jealousy and possessiveness. Ming didn’t care that this would end Joe’s career as he arrogantly thought that he could give Joe anything as long as he was with him. But he had forgotten that he could not buy Joe’s dignity. And I think Ming agreed to let Joe top him because he realised that he really loved him.
I think Ming meant to tell Joe that he wouldn’t be anyone’s stand in as he loved him but too bad, phone was out of battery. Hence, it didn’t come as a surprise that Ming continued to live at Joe’s house, while waiting for him to come home. It was still unforgiving that he hurt Joe terribly and ruin his life.
By the way, the hair pulling fight between Ming and Sol was 😅 Mom told Joe to dry himself and change after being drenched in rain. Isn’t it better to quickly have a hot shower instead? 🤔
I can’t express just how angry I got at this episode. Ming is a toxic, unhinged, selfish nutcase. I don’t know how they are going to redeem him because right now I wish he was the one who went off the cliff.
Even the ending with him at their house does very little to pacify my anger. Joe was right, Ming did ruin his life, both professionally and personally. Seriously, everyone got to move on happily, and that jerk Tong got to be an even bigger star, while poor Joe doesn’t even turn up on internet search. Seeing that part made me so sad before I went right back to anger because it was all because of Ming.
I know there were comments saying Sol isn’t any better, but right now, I will take him over Ming any day. Ming, I want to strangle, then beat senseless then have him walk across burning coals before I even begin to think about forgiveness.
Let’s goooooo