Eccentric Romance (2024) Episode 6

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Eccentric Romance (2024) Episode 6

Dear Asian drama fans, you're watching Eccentric Romance (2024) Episode 6 with english subtitles.

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6 Comments to “Eccentric Romance (2024) Episode 6

  1. ending the ep right when he confessed is a crime 😭😭😭 gotta wait a week now but im already bored of the plot storytelling is too slow like get straight to the point and stop with the misunderstandings (tired of how slow the characters are like yall cant be this clueless?)

  2. That confession from Sung Hoon really was going to be the only way that someone who is denser than a rock like Jay would begin to realize that Sung Hoon likes him and maybe quit talking out the side of his mouth all the dang time.

  3. It’s disappointing that the collaboration between Thai and Korean BL production is not as fruitful as I expect. Compared to My Damn Business which runs 10 minutes per episode, Eccentric Romance is stagnant in both the romance and the mystery parts of the story. I can’t see how this will get better.

    The only good thing about this production compared to Love Is Like a Cat is the directing and the editing. Despite using two languages, their conversation sounds more natural between the characters. Unlike the MLs in Love Is Like a Cat there’s discernable chemistry between Jay and Sung Hoon. So this series is tolerable.

  4. I’m not sure if this is a story worth telling. It’s pretty bland/simple for a Korean BL drama.

  5. Jay 🤦🏻‍♀️ .. I cant I just cant.. Seong Hun mustve gave up and decided to finally just confess cause u could not connect a single dot.

    No one and I mean no one can tell me Seung Ju isnt suspicious AF. to me the killer is him.

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