Bad-Memory Eraser (2024) Episode 10

Dear Asian drama fans, you're watching Bad-Memory Eraser (2024) Episode 10 with english subtitles.

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13 Comments to “Bad-Memory Eraser (2024) Episode 10

  1. Lol……in one way or another, everyone was traumatized today~ 🤣
    But seriously, pitting the bros against one another for her? Ehhhh……..why?

  2. The brother is being shifty and dangerous for the SFL. Don’t like him for the FL anymore. He looks spoilt. Trying to get whatever he want at whatever cost. Bee scene was funny though.

  3. How much time passed since FL broke up with her boyfriend which involves cheating?. If they really in love with that person any normal person will take min 5,6 months to recover from it and do some self reflection if they did any mistakes from their side during that relationship. But it leaves no impact on our lovely FL.

    1 month, 2 months? For me, It seems only few days passed. She already in love with ML and ready to be in relationship again. Wow that super fast. Just how much seriously we have to take this FL character?.

  4. Oh god, I really laughed at the bee thing, that was very funny. Why is the brother still being a shitty brother? Well he is slightly starting to care about SFL, now he just need her to give him a compliment and he will fall for her.

  5. Dog care scene was really funny 😂😂😂😂😂….. he be like since wn I got the ability to birth dogs 😂😂😂

  6. It started of real good but turned trash. They could have made the story more entertaining. But nah they just ruined the whole concept.

  7. Instead of misunderstanding her hug as a green signal for the relationship he chose to ask-
    What a green flag
    Not Goon trying to get the answers of Love from a Pharmacist😂
    I have said it from the start that some of the characters are not to my liking at all, what I’m guessing is – did the writers intentionally f*ck the characters up to represent human mistakes? Greed, covering up the guilt these are human tendencies. So just like The Smile has Left your Eyes, maybe, just maybe the writers brought out all the bad and the good sides of the humans. Of course majority is not like the characters, no. Common people like us obey laws and the procedures written down by the authorities.

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